Welcome to the Cyberpsychology Lab of UQO !


The Cyberpsychology Lab is a research centre affiliated with both the Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO) and the Pierre-Janet Hospital. The primary goal of the Cyberpsychology Lab of UQO’s research team is to study the phenomenon of cyberpsychology from three main perspectives: (1) fundamental (underlying psychological processes); (2) clinical (therapeutic effectiveness) and; (3) applied (practical applications in psychology). Research at the Cyberpsychology Lab is being conducted at the Pavillon A.-Taché at the Université du Québec en Outaouais. Our research projects are related to the treatment of anxiety disorders, role of presence in virtual reality, neuropsychological assessment, pain distraction, sexual preferences, role of sleep in mental health, pathological gambling and more. Visit the Cyberpsychology Lab using Google view (click here)!


The Cyberpsychology Lab was originally founded as a result of an internal research grant awarded in 1996 to Dr. Stéphane Bouchard by the University of Quebec in Outaouais (UQO, previously UQAH) (Programme Communauté Scientifique Réseau). The activities of our research team, co-directed by Stéphane Bouchard, led to the official creation of the Cyberpsychology Lab in 1999. The Laboratory then obtained additional funding from SIR (Subvention Interne de Recherche) and the FCAR (Formation de Chercheurs et l’Aide à la Recherche).

In 2001, our Lab began accepting new research members and, since then, the team has continued to grow in size. In 2002, additional funding awarded by the Canadian Foundation for the Innovation (CFI) and the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) and in 2003 by the Canada research Chair in clinical cyberpsychology, led to the initiation of a number of our current research projects that make use of both videoconferencing (for treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia) and virtual reality.



The lab is conducting research projects that sometimes offer free virtual therapy for people suffering from anxiety disorders or allows to try our virtual reality equipments. Some conditions applies. For more details about ongoing projects, CLICK HERE or if you would like to participate in a cyber-study, please contact our team by email: labocyberpsy@uqo.ca or by phone: (819) 595-3900 x2531. Most researches are conducted in French. All projects have been approved by the UQO ethic committee.


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February 2023: Dr. Giulia Corno’s testimony on body image and virtual reality. https://enligne.telequebec.tv/emissions/334560/sante-mentale-et-numerique/69476/sante-mentale-et-numerique

January 18th, 2023: Gros laboratoire : La réalité virtuelle pour affronter ses phobies. https://ici.exploratv.ca/blogue/gros-laboratoire-peur-araignees-experience/

July 7th, 2022: The Cyberpsychology Laboratory of UQO welcomes a delegation from Canada Economic Development.

Source: UQO
Source: UQO

May 13th, 2022: The Cyberpsychology Laboratory of UQO welcomes representatives of the Leonardo company.

May 7th, 2022: The Globe and Mail: When it comes to travel, the metaverse has real life benefits https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/travel/article-when-it-comes-to-travel-the-metaverse-has-real-life-benefits/

Ferbuary 24th, 2022: Is virtual reality bad for our mental health? https://techmonitor.ai/emerging-tech/is-virtual-reality-bad-for-mental-health

September 29th, 2021: “Dîner et Conférence” (CentreAxel): Intégrer les simulations en réalité virtuelle dans la pratique clinique psychologie : Données probantes, mécanismes sous-jacents et pistes. https://www.eventbrite.ca/x/billets-integrer-les-simulations-en-realite-virtuelle-dans-la-pratique-clinique-170341756780

May 18th, 2021: Mélanie Consulte! (épisode 21) :  #Psychologue – Stéphane Bouchard – #Anxiétégénéralisée. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpKJh5EOFBE

Mai 17th, 2021: Anxiété-Rad (Radio-Canada Web): Ma quête pour traiter mon anxiété. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbl9lXxJ4Kc & https://www.facebook.com/radpointca

May 5th, 2021: Sexe+Techno (Unis TV, Saison 1, épisode 1): Meeting in the virtual world. https://www.tv5unis.ca/sexe-techno/saisons/1

April 6th, 2021: Mélanie Consulte! (épisode 15) : #Psychologue et #chercheur – Stéphane Bouchard (Les #phobies). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CCTGjMoSEg

March 2nd, 2021: Mélanie Consulte! (épisode 10) : Psychologue – Stéphane Bouchard (les TOC). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vsW_l19tRM

February 9th, 2021: Mélanie Consulte! (épisode 7) :  #Psychologue et #chercheur – Stéphane Bouchard – #Troublespaniques. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpbtMf5oIaY&t=4s

November 25th, 2020: Living like a tightrope walker (Savoir Média): Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. https://savoir.media/vivre-en-funambule/clip/trouble-obsessionnel-compulsif

October 22nd, 2020: General Tour (Unis TV, Saison 3, épisode 8): Discussion on cyberpsychologie. https://www.tv5unis.ca/videos/tournee-generale/saisons/3/episodes/8

December 3rd, 2019: Sciences et Avenir: How does one become phobic?  https://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/sante/cerveau-et-psy/comment-devient-on-phobiques_139405

October 19th, 2019: Challenges: Virtual reality headsets to treat phobias and addictions. https://www.challenges.fr/entreprise/troubles-du-comportement-des-casques-de-realite-virtuelle-pour-soigner-phobies-et-addictions_680424

October 15th, 2019: CNews.fr: How virtual reality helps to overcome phobias.  https://www.cnews.fr/vie-numerique/2019-10-11/comment-la-realite-virtuelle-aide-vaincre-ses-phobies-888038

October 7th, 2019: Business Insider: How virtual reality can help with snake phobia, vertigo and other anxiety disorders. https://www.businessinsider.fr/comment-la-realite-virtuelle-peut-aider-a-maitriser-la-phobie-des-serpents-le-vertige-et-autres-troubles-anxieux/

March 27th, 2019: Interview for Institut Fédératif des Addictions Comportementales (IFAC). À propos de jeu pathologique et réalité virtuelle. https://ifac-addictions.chu-nantes.fr/les-interviews

March 13th, 2019: ICI RADIO-CANADA: Comment aider les gens à vaincre leur peur des avions? https://ici.radio-canada.ca/info/videos/media-8057524/avion-vaincre-peur-phobie-aviophobie-therapie-universite-quebec-outaouais-realite-virtuelle?isAutoPlay=true&fbclid=IwAR1GGTCHZbC0TQsXWnFrzczWjp5A6f-Im2XsyZXZEoag7bbGkVDJxQ3wa5U

January 30th, 2019: Daily Planet – Science News. Step inside the Cyberpsychology Lab: https://www.discovery.ca/Shows/Daily-Planet/video?vid=1599002&fbclid=IwAR2xNQ4tdNntMDkMAS2FfrJGeNLTUz_NSi9BD9OY5jm96r24mHbnIkVkaVc

October 13th, 2017: Électrons libres on Télé-Québec. Virtual reality: an effective tool to treat fear of heights: https://electronslibres.telequebec.tv/episodes/34833

January 25th, 2017: Discovery Canada vs. Phobia | Daily Planet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oJGhWCDkJw&index=9&list=PLv3SB6ToinXMlkTitKV7JOop1ttu8RaMs&t=2s

February 3th, – 6th, 2016: Suicide and mental health prevention: conference with Dr Stéphane Bouchard and Dr Michel Dugas : Powerpoint presentation 

October 20th, 2015: TV show Code Chastenay on Télé-Québec channel (in French): Using virtual reality to treat treat posttraumatic stress disorder in victims of sexual assault (starts at 7min. 05sec.): http://lecodechastenay.telequebec.tv/

January 11th, 2015: Participation in a documentary on Canal D channel : “La Revanche des jeux vidéo”: https://www.facebook.com/larevanchedesjeuxvideo

Fall 2014: New book publication! Wiederhold & Bouchard (2014). Advances in Virtual Reality and Anxiety Disorders: http://www.springer.com/psychology/book/978-1-4899-8022-9

July 23rd, 2014: TV report on virtual reality and pathological gambling: http://www.lapresse.ca/videos/201407/23/46-1-une-therapie-100-techno.php/604fe1adb5294c46836f8d1324c76ee6

April 18th, 2014: TEDxGatineau conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClvuG5kbt2I

April 2nd, 2014: Presentation “Voir grand” at the Fed. for the Humanities and Social sciences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPkkQX4QAF4

Jan 28th, 2014: The Lab at “Daily Planet” show on Discovery channel

July 29th, 2013: Anxiety and driving (in French only) – TVA Gatineau-Ottawa