
Funding Annoucement
March 30, 2016

As a direct result of the close scientific collaboration initiated in 2013 between CRP and Security and Protection International, on March 30, 2016 an official opening of the first Industrial Research Chair in the history of UQO was announced, including the representatives of Parliament and Canadian Government agencies. The 5-year program, supported by close to $2M grant provided jointly by SPI and NSERC is entitled "SPI/NSERC Senior Industrial Research Chair in Photonics Sensing Technologies for Safety and Security Monitoring”. The objectives of this Program will center around studying and testing a variety of novel fiber-optic device solutions and sensing techniques in order to acquire better performing photonic sensing devices and systems for applications in sectors of national importance to Canada.

Funding Annoucement
September 15, 2014

On September 15, 2014, NSERC announced a list of approved new Strategic Research Projects. One of them was granted to the team of researchers led by Prof. Wojtek J. Bock, and including Prof. Jonathan Perreault (INRS) and Prof. Maksim Skorobogatiy (ÉPM) as co-applicants, for the project entitled “Photonic Sensing Systems Based on a Lab-on-a-Fiber Concept for Specific Cyanobacteria Detection in Water”, $198,000/year for 3 years. This project just ended on March 31, 2016.

Collaboration Announcement
July 6, 2013

An agreement of close collaboration was signed between Security & Protection International and Prof. Wojtek J. Bock in relation to a new strategic research program in the development of fiber-optic sensors for safety and security monitoring. It is planned that this program will be strongly supported by cash contributions from SPI and from NSERC and will have an estimated budget of over $2,000,000.00 for 5 years. The objective will be focused on the commercialization of fiber optic sensors for explosive detection in the air and for bacteria detection in water. Both technologies have been developed at PRC earlier and are now being fine tuned for commercial prototypes.

Conference Announcement
May 15-19, 2011

The International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors Conference OFS21 was held in Ottawa, Canada, in May 2011. Professor Wojtek J. Bock was the General Chairman of this Conference and he chaired the International Steering Committee. The OFS21 website shows pictures from the Conference.