Karla Salas

Karla Salas

Karla M. Salas Alcantara received the BSc degree in electronic engineering from the Technological Institute of Tehuacán, Puebla, México, in 2005, and her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica, A.C. (CIO), LeÓn, Guanajuato, in 2010 and 2014, respectively. She was employed at CIO as a technician to help in the development of the technological project entitled: "DESARROLLO DE CONECTORIZACIÓN PARA FIBRA ÓPTICA PLÁSTICA DE DOBLE CAPA CON ATENUACION MENOR A 200 dB/Km CON APLICACIÓN LASER Y TERMINAL CON SISTEMA DE AUTO SUJECIÓN". She is currently working as a postdoctoral fellow at Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO) in Canada. Her current interests include biological fiber sensor, long period grating sensors, and polarized fiber devices.

Telephone: 819.595.3900 ex 1901
Fax: 819.773.1638
E-mail: salk03 [at] uqo.ca