The CRVE at the 9th Congrès québécois sur la maltraitance envers les enfants et les adolescents

Communications | Post published on November, 14 2019

With colleagues from UQO, Université de Montréal, UQAM and the Institut de la statistique du Québec, Professor Marie-Ève ​​Clément from the Department of psychoeducation and psychology at UQO actively participated in the 9th Congrès québécois sur la maltraitance envers les enfants et les adolescents of CHU Sainte-Justine taking place from October 21 to 22, 2019 in Montreal.

Under the theme "Understanding and acting together: new realities", the congress welcomed more than a hundred participants from different disciplines and professions. Professor Marie-Ève ​​Clément presented the following two presentations in thematic workshops:

  • Les professionnels face aux situations de punitions corporelles et aux signalements pour abus physique à la Protection de la jeunesse (p.22)
    Marie-Ève Clément, Sarah Dufour, Héloïse Pelletier Gagnon, & Audrey Poliquin
  • Vingt ans d’études épidémiologiques sur la violence familiale envers les enfants du Québec (p.23)
    Marie-Ève Clément, Jasline Flores, Dominic Julien, Annie Bérubé , & Sylvie Lévesque

To consult the complete congress program, click here (in french only).